Teaching with Valor Podcast: A Veteran Teachers Perspective

Teaching with Valor A Veteran's Perspective Podcast "Mastering Classroom Routines and Procedures"

July 12, 2024 Don Fessenden Season 1 Episode 17
Teaching with Valor A Veteran's Perspective Podcast "Mastering Classroom Routines and Procedures"
Teaching with Valor Podcast: A Veteran Teachers Perspective
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Teaching with Valor Podcast: A Veteran Teachers Perspective
Teaching with Valor A Veteran's Perspective Podcast "Mastering Classroom Routines and Procedures"
Jul 12, 2024 Season 1 Episode 17
Don Fessenden

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Welcome back to another episode of Teaching with Valor, the podcast that celebrates the dedication and excellence of educators everywhere. 

I’m your host, Don J. Fessenden. Today, we're diving into a topic that is fundamental to creating a productive learning environment: classroom routines and procedures. 

Establishing clear and consistent routines can transform your classroom, making it a place where students feel secure, engaged, and ready to learn.

Show notes:

Resources and References

1.Responsive Classroom: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/
2.National Education Association (NEA) Classroom Management Tips: http://www.nea.org/tools/ClassroomManagement.html
3.Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/
4.ClassDojo: https://www.classdojo.com/
5.Edutopia - Classroom Management: https://www.edutopia.org/classroom-management

Stay tuned for more episodes, and remember, every student is unique, and every classroom can be a place where all students succeed. Keep teaching with valor!

Show Notes Transcript

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Welcome back to another episode of Teaching with Valor, the podcast that celebrates the dedication and excellence of educators everywhere. 

I’m your host, Don J. Fessenden. Today, we're diving into a topic that is fundamental to creating a productive learning environment: classroom routines and procedures. 

Establishing clear and consistent routines can transform your classroom, making it a place where students feel secure, engaged, and ready to learn.

Show notes:

Resources and References

1.Responsive Classroom: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/
2.National Education Association (NEA) Classroom Management Tips: http://www.nea.org/tools/ClassroomManagement.html
3.Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/
4.ClassDojo: https://www.classdojo.com/
5.Edutopia - Classroom Management: https://www.edutopia.org/classroom-management

Stay tuned for more episodes, and remember, every student is unique, and every classroom can be a place where all students succeed. Keep teaching with valor!


Welcome back to another episode of Teaching with Valor, the podcast that celebrates the dedication and excellence of educators everywhere. I’m your host, Don Fessenden. Today, we're diving into a topic that is fundamental to creating a productive learning environment: classroom routines and procedures. Establishing clear and consistent routines can transform your classroom, making it a place where students feel secure, engaged, and ready to learn. And don't miss our special bonus segment at the end where we’ll answer a parent question about attendance policies. Let’s get started! As usual we will begin looking at the Classroom Routines and Procedures in Elementary School. Elementary school is where students first learn the importance of routines and procedures. Establishing these early on helps create a structured environment where young learners know what to expect and what is expected of them. Start with the basics: entering the classroom, morning routines, and end-of-day procedures. For example, having a specific routine for how students should enter the room, store their belongings, and prepare for the day can set a positive tone. Greeting each student at the door not only helps establish a connection but also allows you to quickly gauge their emotional state as they enter. One teacher, Mrs. Johnson, created a“Morning Message” routine where students would read a daily message on the board that outlined the day's activities. This simple routine helped students transition from home to school mode, providing a sense of security and readiness for the day ahead. Another key area is transitions. Moving from one activity to another can be chaotic, but clear procedures can smooth the process. Using signals, like a chime or a specific hand signal, can help students transition quietly and efficiently. It’s also essential to teach and practice these routines consistently. At the beginning of the year, spend time going over each procedure, modeling the behavior you expect, and allowing students to practice. Reinforcement is key! Praise students when they follow the routines correctly and provide gentle reminders when they need to improve. Now, it is time to move onto the Classroom Routines and Procedures for Middle School. Middle school is a transitional period for students, making routines and procedures just as crucial, though they might look a bit different than in elementary school. One effective strategy is to involve students in creating some of the routines. This gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility. For instance, you might have students help decide how the classroom should be organized or establish procedures for group work. Consider Mr. Garcia's seventh-grade science class. He implemented a lab routine where students knew exactly how to enter the room, gather materials, perform experiments, and clean up afterward. By practicing this routine regularly, his students were able to maximize their lab time and reduce disruptions. Another important aspect is managing assignments and deadlines. Middle school students are developing their time management skills, so having clear procedures for submitting work and tracking assignments is essential. Using tools like Google Classroom can streamline this process, providing a central place for students to access assignments, submit work, and receive feedback. Classroom management routines, such as how to ask for help, what to do when finishing work early, and the procedures for restroom breaks, can also make a significant difference. Clear, consistent routines help students feel more independent and capable, which is crucial during these formative years. In high school, they will still have Classroom Routines and Procedures the challenge like in middle school where they will have may routines to remember. High school students benefit from routines and procedures that prepare them for the increased independence and responsibilities they will face in the future. At this stage, routines should support not only academic success but also the development of life skills. High school teachers, like Ms. Patel, often begin the year with a syllabus that outlines classroom expectations, grading policies, and procedures. This document serves as a reference point throughout the year, providing students with a clear understanding of what is expected. In Ms. Patel’s class, the routine for beginning and ending each class is crucial. At the start, students know to retrieve their materials, review the agenda posted on the board, and begin a bell-ringer activity. This routine helps maximize instructional time and keeps students focused. For high school students, it’s also important to incorporate routines that promote self-regulation and responsibility. For example, implementing a system where students can check their own grades and progress encourages them to take ownership of their learning. Another critical procedure is managing group work and collaborative projects. Clear roles and responsibilities within groups can prevent conflicts and ensure that all students are contributing. Regular check-ins and peer evaluations can help maintain accountability and provide opportunities for students to reflect on their performance. Let's look at how you can Enhance Classroom Routines with Technology. Integrating technology into classroom routines can enhance efficiency and engagement at all levels. For elementary students, apps like ClassDojo can help manage behavior and keep parents informed. Interactive whiteboards can make transitions smoother by providing visual cues and instructions. In middle school, tools like Google Classroom streamline the submission of assignments and distribution of materials. Students can also use educational apps for practice and reinforcement of skills, making routines more interactive and engaging. High school students benefit from using learning management systems like Canvas or Schoology, which provide a centralized platform for accessing coursework, submitting assignments, and communicating with teachers. These tools support the development of digital literacy skills that are essential for future success. Incorporating technology also allows for more personalized learning experiences. For example, students can work at their own pace using adaptive learning programs, and teachers can provide differentiated instruction based on individual needs. It is also very inportant to Involve Parents in Classroom Routines as well. Parents play a crucial role in supporting classroom routines and procedures. Effective communication with parents can reinforce routines at home, creating a consistent and supportive environment for students. One approach is to provide parents with regular updates about classroom routines and expectations. This can be done through newsletters, emails, or parent-teacher conferences. Sharing information about what students are learning and how parents can support their children at home can strengthen the home-school connection. Consider the example of Mrs. Lee’s second-grade class. She sends a weekly newsletter to parents that includes an overview of the week’s activities, reminders about important routines, and tips for supporting learning at home. This proactive communication helps parents feel involved and informed, and it reinforces the routines established in the classroom. For middle and high school students, involving parents in the goal-setting process can be beneficial. Regular progress reports and meetings with parents help ensure that students are on track and that everyone is working towards the same objectives. Now it’s time for our special bonus segment. Today's parent question is:"What is your policy on attendance?" Attendance is crucial for student success. My policy emphasizes the importance of regular attendance while also being understanding of individual circumstances. Here’s how it works: Clear Expectations: At the beginning of the year, I communicate the importance of attendance and the expectations to both students and parents. This includes the procedures for reporting absences and the impact of frequent absences on learning. Consistent Monitoring: I regularly monitor attendance and follow up on any patterns of frequent absences or tardiness. This helps identify any underlying issues that may be affecting a student's ability to attend school regularly. Supportive Approach: If a student is frequently absent, I work with the student and their parents to understand the reasons and find solutions. This may involve connecting them with school counselors or providing additional support to help them catch up on missed work. Engagement Strategies: Keeping students engaged and motivated to attend school is also key. This includes creating a positive and welcoming classroom environment, making learning interesting and relevant, and building strong relationships with students. By having a clear and supportive attendance policy, we can ensure that students understand the importance of being present and are supported in maintaining regular attendance. That’s all for today’s episode of Teaching with Valor. I hope you found these insights into classroom routines and procedures helpful. Remember, establishing clear and consistent routines can make a significant difference in creating a more positive, manageable, and productive learning environment. For more information and resources on this topic, check out the links in our show notes. Thank you for tuning in, and keep up the great work in your classrooms.