Teaching with Valor Podcast: A Veteran Teachers Perspective

Teaching with Valor A Veteran's Perspective Podcast "Mastering Listening and Speaking Skills in the Classroom"

July 16, 2024 Don Fessenden Season 1 Episode 19

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Welcome back to another episode of Teaching with Valor, the podcast where we explore the intricacies of education and share strategies to help you become a more effective teacher.

I'm your host, Don Fessenden. Today, we're diving deep into the essential skills of listening and speaking. These skills are foundational to student success at all educational levels. We'll discuss how to develop these skills in elementary, middle, and high school, with two additional segments that delve further into related topics.

And don't miss our special bonus segment, where we'll answer a parent question about supporting their child's listening and speaking skills at home.

Show notes:

Additional Resources 

  1. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) - Speaking and Listening: https://ncte.org/resources/topics/speaking-and-listening/
  2. Edutopia - Developing Effective Listening and Speaking Skills: https://www.edutopia.org/article/developing-effective-listening-and-speaking-skills
  3. Seesaw: https://web.seesaw.me/
  4. Flipgrid: https://info.flipgrid.com/
  5. Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/
  6. Zoom: https://zoom.us/

Stay tuned for more episodes, and remember, every student is unique, and every classroom can be a place where all students succeed. Keep teaching with valor!


Welcome back to another episode of Teaching with Valor, the podcast where we explore the intricacies of education and share strategies to help you become a more effective teacher. I'm your host, Don Fessenden. Today, we're diving deep into the essential skills of listening and speaking. These skills are foundational to student success at all educational levels. We'll discuss how to develop these skills in elementary, middle, and high school, with two additional segments that delve further into related topics. And don't miss our special bonus segment, where we'll answer a parent question about supporting their child's listening and speaking skills at home. Let's get started! In elementary school, developing listening and speaking skills is crucial as these are the formative years for language acquisition and communication. Young children learn best through interactive and engaging activities that allow them to practice these skills in a supportive environment. One effective method is through"Storytelling Circles." Mrs. Anderson, a first-grade teacher, uses this technique to encourage her students to listen attentively and speak confidently. Each day, she selects a different student to tell a story about their favorite activity, pet, or family member. The rest of the class listens carefully, and after the story, they ask questions or make comments. This not only improves their listening skills but also fosters a sense of community and mutual respect. Another strategy is"Show and Tell," which has long been a staple in elementary classrooms. By bringing an item from home and explaining its significance, students practice organizing their thoughts and speaking in front of an audience. This activity also teaches them how to listen respectfully to their peers. Incorporating"Interactive Read-Alouds" is also highly beneficial. Mrs. Davis, a third-grade teacher, reads a book to her class and pauses at strategic points to ask questions, prompting students to predict what will happen next or to summarize what they've heard so far. This keeps students engaged and actively listening, while also encouraging them to articulate their thoughts. It's important to create a classroom environment that encourages students to express themselves and listen to others. Setting clear expectations for respectful listening and speaking, and modeling these behaviors, helps establish a positive and supportive classroom culture. Next, we will look at: Developing Listening and Speaking Skills in Middle School. Middle school students are at a stage where their cognitive and social skills are rapidly developing. This makes it an ideal time to deepen their listening and speaking abilities through more structured and challenging activities. One effective approach is"Socratic Seminars." In Mr. Thompson’s eighth-grade history class, students read a historical text and then participate in a seminar where they discuss the content. The goal is not to debate but to deepen understanding through thoughtful dialogue. Students take turns speaking and listening, asking open-ended questions, and building on each other’s ideas. This method not only enhances their critical thinking skills but also teaches them the value of listening to diverse perspectives."Debate Clubs" are another excellent way to develop these skills. Ms. Johnson, a seventh-grade English teacher, organizes debates on various topics. Students research their assigned position, deliver their arguments, and listen to counterarguments. This structured format helps them learn to listen critically and respond thoughtfully."Group Projects" can also be powerful. In Mr. Rivera’s science class, students work in small groups to research a topic, create a presentation, and deliver their findings to the class. Throughout this process, they must listen to their group members, negotiate roles, and communicate effectively to ensure the success of their project. To foster a classroom environment conducive to developing these skills, it’s essential to set clear guidelines for discussions and group work. Encouraging students to listen actively and speak respectfully helps create a classroom culture where everyone feels heard and valued. Now, it is time to look at: Developing Listening and Speaking Skills in High School. High school students are preparing for the real world, where effective listening and speaking skills are critical. These students benefit from advanced strategies that challenge them to refine and enhance their abilities."Mock Trials" are an engaging way to develop these skills. In Mrs. Williams’ government class, students take on roles as attorneys, witnesses, and jurors in a mock trial. This activity requires them to listen carefully to testimonies, formulate questions, and deliver arguments. The realistic and high-stakes environment of a mock trial motivates students to hone their listening and speaking skills."Literature Circles" are also effective at this level. In Mr. Evans’ senior English class, students choose a novel to read and discuss in small groups. Each student takes on a role, such as discussion leader or summarizer, and leads the group in analyzing the text. This collaborative approach encourages deep listening and meaningful dialogue."Public Speaking Courses" are invaluable for high school students. These courses provide structured opportunities for students to practice and refine their speaking skills through various activities, such as delivering speeches, participating in debates, and performing dramatic readings. The feedback they receive helps them improve and gain confidence. Creating a classroom environment that supports the development of these skills involves providing regular opportunities for students to speak and listen, giving constructive feedback, and fostering a culture of respect and openness. Let's look at, Enhancing Listening and Speaking Skills with Technology. Technology offers innovative ways to enhance listening and speaking skills at all educational levels. Digital tools can provide new opportunities for practice and assessment, making the development of these skills more engaging and effective. In elementary classrooms, apps like"Seesaw" allow students to record themselves reading a story or presenting a project. These recordings can be shared with peers and parents, providing a platform for feedback and reflection. Teachers can also use these recordings to assess progress and identify areas for improvement. For middle school students, platforms like"Flipgrid" provide a space for video discussions. Students can respond to prompts by recording short videos, allowing them to practice speaking in a low-pressure environment. They can also watch and respond to their peers' videos, fostering a sense of community and improving their listening skills. High school students can benefit from using tools like"Google Meet" or"Zoom" for virtual debates and presentations. These platforms allow for real-time feedback and interaction, simulating real-world communication scenarios. Additionally,"Podcasting Projects" can be a creative way for students to develop these skills. By creating their own podcasts, students practice writing scripts, speaking clearly, and listening critically to their recordings. Integrating technology into listening and speaking activities not only makes them more engaging but also prepares students for the digital communication they will encounter in their future academic and professional lives. Lastly, let's look at, Assessing Listening and Speaking Skills. Assessment is a critical component of developing listening and speaking skills. Effective assessment strategies should evaluate both the process and the product of students' efforts, providing insights into their strengths and areas for improvement. Formative assessments, such as"Observation Checklists," allow teachers to monitor students’ progress during activities. For example, during a group discussion, Ms. Carter, a fifth-grade teacher, uses a checklist to note students’ listening behaviors, such as making eye contact and responding appropriately to peers."Peer Assessments" can also be valuable. In Mr. Green’s ninth-grade debate class, students use rubrics to evaluate each other’s performance. This not only provides additional feedback but also helps students learn to critically assess communication skills. Summative assessments, such as"Oral Presentations" and"Debates," provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their skills. These assessments should include clear criteria for evaluating both content and delivery, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of students' abilities. Incorporating"Self-Assessments" encourages students to reflect on their own performance. After a presentation, Mr. Brown, a high school history teacher, asks students to complete a self-assessment form, reflecting on what they did well and what they could improve. This reflection helps students take ownership of their learning and set goals for future improvement. Providing regular and constructive feedback is essential for helping students develop their listening and speaking skills. This feedback should highlight strengths, identify areas for improvement, and offer specific strategies for growth. Now, it’s time for our special bonus segment. Today’s parent question is:"How do you support the development of listening and speaking skills in your classroom?" Supporting the development of listening and speaking skills is a key part of my teaching practice. Here’s how I do it: First, I create a classroom environment that encourages open communication. This means setting clear expectations for respectful listening and speaking, and modeling these behaviors myself. I incorporate a variety of activities that provide opportunities for students to practice these skills. This includes storytelling circles, debates, group projects, and interactive read-alouds. Each activity is designed to engage students and promote active participation. I also use technology to enhance these activities. Tools like Seesaw, Flipgrid, and Google Meet provide new avenues for students to practice and receive feedback on their listening and speaking skills. Assessment is another important component. I use a mix of formative, summative, peer, and self-assessments to evaluate students' progress and provide constructive feedback. This helps students understand their strengths and areas for improvement and encourages continuous growth. Lastly, I involve parents in the process. I share resources and strategies that parents can use at home to support their child's development of these skills. This partnership between home and school is crucial for fostering effective communication skills in students. That’s all for today’s episode of Teaching with Valor. I hope you found our deep dive into developing listening and speaking skills insightful. Remember, these skills are essential for student success at all levels and can be nurtured through thoughtful and engaging activities. For more information and resources on this topic, check out the links in our show notes. Thank you for tuning in, and keep striving for excellence in your teaching practice.

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