Teaching with Valor Podcast: A Veteran Teachers Perspective

Teaching with Valor A Veteran's Perspective Podcast "Reflective Teaching Practices"

August 02, 2024 Don Fessenden Season 1 Episode 32
Teaching with Valor A Veteran's Perspective Podcast "Reflective Teaching Practices"
Teaching with Valor Podcast: A Veteran Teachers Perspective
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Teaching with Valor Podcast: A Veteran Teachers Perspective
Teaching with Valor A Veteran's Perspective Podcast "Reflective Teaching Practices"
Aug 02, 2024 Season 1 Episode 32
Don Fessenden

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Welcome to another episode of "Teaching with Valor," where we explore innovative and effective teaching strategies to enhance the educational experience. 

I'm your host, Don Fessenden, and today, we’re diving into the critical topic of Reflective Teaching Practices. Reflective teaching is a process where educators assess their own teaching methods and determine what works best for their students. 

We'll discuss how reflective practices can be integrated at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. We’ll also cover two additional segments related to this topic. And stay tuned for our special bonus segment where we’ll answer a parent question about the impact of reflective teaching on student outcomes.

Show notes:

For more on this topic checkout the following resources:

  • "The Reflective Educator’s Guide to Classroom Research: Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn Through Practitioner Inquiry" by Nancy Fichtman Dana and Diane Yendol-Hoppey
  • "Reflective Practice: Writing and Professional Development" by Gillie Bolton
  • Edutopia’s articles on reflective teaching practices
  • Teaching Channel’s videos and resources on reflective teaching

Stay tuned for more episodes, and remember, every student is unique, and every classroom can be a place where all students succeed. Keep teaching with valor!

Show Notes Transcript

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Welcome to another episode of "Teaching with Valor," where we explore innovative and effective teaching strategies to enhance the educational experience. 

I'm your host, Don Fessenden, and today, we’re diving into the critical topic of Reflective Teaching Practices. Reflective teaching is a process where educators assess their own teaching methods and determine what works best for their students. 

We'll discuss how reflective practices can be integrated at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. We’ll also cover two additional segments related to this topic. And stay tuned for our special bonus segment where we’ll answer a parent question about the impact of reflective teaching on student outcomes.

Show notes:

For more on this topic checkout the following resources:

  • "The Reflective Educator’s Guide to Classroom Research: Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn Through Practitioner Inquiry" by Nancy Fichtman Dana and Diane Yendol-Hoppey
  • "Reflective Practice: Writing and Professional Development" by Gillie Bolton
  • Edutopia’s articles on reflective teaching practices
  • Teaching Channel’s videos and resources on reflective teaching

Stay tuned for more episodes, and remember, every student is unique, and every classroom can be a place where all students succeed. Keep teaching with valor!


Welcome to another episode of"Teaching with Valor," where we explore innovative and effective teaching strategies to enhance the educational experience. I'm your host, Don Fessenden, and today, we’re diving into the critical topic of Reflective Teaching Practices. Reflective teaching is a process where educators assess their own teaching methods and determine what works best for their students. We'll discuss how reflective practices can be integrated at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. We’ll also cover two additional segments related to this topic. And stay tuned for our special bonus segment where we’ll answer a parent question about the impact of reflective teaching on student outcomes. Let’s begin by discussing what reflective teaching is and why it’s essential. Reflective teaching involves self-observation and self-evaluation. Teachers look back on their lessons, assess what went well and what didn’t, and consider how they can improve their teaching strategies. This practice fosters continuous improvement and adaptability, making it possible for educators to meet the diverse needs of their students effectively. At the elementary school level, reflective teaching can be particularly impactful. Young children are highly perceptive and responsive to the learning environment created by their teacher. Reflective practices help elementary educators tailor their methods to suit their students' developmental stages and individual learning styles. For example, an elementary teacher might notice that a particular storytelling approach captures students' attention and enhances comprehension. By reflecting on this observation, the teacher can incorporate more storytelling into their lessons. Similarly, if a certain classroom management technique proves ineffective, the teacher can reflect on the situation and try alternative strategies. Let’s hear a story about Mrs. Johnson, an elementary school teacher who exemplifies reflective teaching. Mrs. Johnson noticed that her students struggled with transitions between activities. By reflecting on her approach, she realized that giving students a five-minute warning and using a visual timer helped them prepare for the change. This simple adjustment made transitions smoother and reduced classroom disruptions, creating a more conducive learning environment. In middle school, students face new academic challenges and social dynamics. Reflective teaching helps middle school educators address these complexities by adapting their teaching methods to support students' academic and emotional needs. Middle school teachers can engage in reflective practices by reviewing student feedback, observing peer teaching, and analyzing student performance data. For instance, if a teacher notices that students struggle with group work, they might reflect on the structure of the assignments and consider ways to provide clearer instructions or more support. Mr. Thompson, a middle school science teacher, provides a great example of reflective teaching. He observed that his students were disengaged during lab activities. By reflecting on his approach, he realized that the students needed more hands-on guidance. Mr. Thompson decided to incorporate more step-by-step demonstrations and allow students to practice in smaller groups before tackling the full lab activity. This reflection and adjustment led to increased student engagement and better understanding of the scientific concepts. High school teachers, too, benefit greatly from reflective teaching practices. At this stage, students are preparing for higher education and careers, making it crucial for teachers to ensure that their instructional methods are effective and relevant. Reflective teaching in high school can involve analyzing student performance data, seeking feedback from colleagues, and continuously updating instructional materials. High school educators might also reflect on their interactions with students to foster a more inclusive and supportive classroom environment. Consider Ms. Lee, a high school history teacher who regularly reflects on her teaching methods. She noticed that her lectures were not engaging students as effectively as she hoped. By reflecting on her approach, she decided to incorporate more interactive elements, such as debates and group projects. This shift not only made her classes more engaging but also helped students develop critical thinking and collaboration skills. Now, let's take a look at our two additional segments related to reflective teaching practices. In the first we will look at the Tools and Techniques for Reflective Teaching. There are several tools and techniques that educators can use to implement reflective teaching practices. One effective method is keeping a teaching journal. By writing down daily observations, challenges, and successes, teachers can track their progress and identify patterns over time. Video recording lessons is another valuable tool. Watching recordings allows teachers to see their teaching from a different perspective and identify areas for improvement. Peer observation and collaboration also play a crucial role in reflective teaching. By observing colleagues and discussing teaching strategies, educators can gain new insights and ideas. Professional development workshops focused on reflective practices can provide additional support and resources for teachers seeking to improve their methods. Now in the second segment we will look at Reflective Teaching and Student Outcomes. Reflective teaching has a significant impact on student outcomes. When teachers continuously assess and improve their methods, they create a more effective and responsive learning environment. Reflective practices help educators identify and address students' individual needs, leading to better academic performance and increased student engagement. Moreover, reflective teaching fosters a growth mindset in both teachers and students. By modeling the process of reflection and improvement, teachers encourage students to adopt similar practices in their own learning. This approach helps students develop critical thinking skills and a lifelong love of learning. And now for our special bonus segment. A common question we receive from parents is:"How does reflective teaching impact my child's learning experience?" Reflective teaching positively impacts students in several ways. When teachers reflect on their methods and make adjustments, they create a more personalized and effective learning environment. This approach helps address students' individual needs, ensuring that each child receives the support and guidance they require. Additionally, reflective teaching promotes a positive classroom culture where continuous improvement is valued, fostering students' growth and development. Parents can support reflective teaching by maintaining open communication with their child's teacher. Sharing observations about their child's learning experience and providing constructive feedback can help teachers refine their methods and better support each student. Before we wrap up, I want to provide some resources and references for those interested in learning more about reflective teaching practices:"The Reflective Educator’s Guide to Classroom Research: Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn Through Practitioner Inquiry" by Nancy Fichtman Dana and Diane Yendol-Hoppey"Reflective Practice: Writing and Professional Development" by Gillie Bolton Edutopia’s articles on reflective teaching practices Teaching Channel’s videos and resources on reflective teaching These resources offer valuable insights and practical strategies to help you implement reflective teaching practices in your classroom. That’s all for today’s episode of"Teaching with Valor." I hope you found these strategies helpful and feel inspired to incorporate reflective practices into your teaching. Remember, continuous reflection and improvement are key to creating an effective and responsive learning environment. Until next time, stay valiant!