Teaching with Valor Podcast: A Veteran Teachers Perspective

"Unpacking STEM Integration Across All Levels" Professional Development

August 23, 2024 Don Fessenden Season 1 Episode 47

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Welcome to the Teaching with Valor Podcast. I’m your host, Don Fessenden, and today we’re exploring a topic that’s not just a buzzword but a transformative approach to education—STEM. That’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. 

Whether you’re nurturing the natural curiosity of elementary students, guiding the budding interests of middle schoolers, or challenging high schoolers to think critically about their futures, integrating STEM into your curriculum is a powerful tool for engagement and learning. 

We’ll dive deep into what STEM looks like at each level of education and how you can make it a vibrant part of your teaching practice. We’ll also explore two additional segments that will broaden your understanding of STEM’s impact, and later, I’ll answer a parent’s question about supporting STEM learning at home.

Show Notes

For more information on STEM check out the following resources:

  • National Science Teachers Association (NSTA): www.nsta.org - A wealth of resources for science educators at all levels.
  • Project Lead The Way (PLTW): www.pltw.org - A nonprofit organization that provides transformative learning experiences for PreK-12 students and teachers across the U.S.
  • STEM Education Coalition: www.stemedcoalition.org - Advocating for policies that enhance STEM education.
  • TeachEngineering: www.teachengineering.org - A free, standards-aligned STEM curriculum for K-12 educators.
  • Code.org: www.code.org - Resources and curriculum for teaching computer science to students of all ages.

Stay inspired, stay innovative, and most importantly, keep teaching with valor!

Stay tuned for more episodes, and remember, every student is unique, and every classroom can be a place where all students succeed. Keep teaching with valor!


Welcome back to the Teaching with Valor Podcast. I’m your host, Don Fessenden, and today we’re exploring a topic that’s not just a buzzword but a transformative approach to education STEM. That’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Whether you’re nurturing the natural curiosity of elementary students, guiding the budding interests of middle schoolers, or challenging high schoolers to think critically about their futures, integrating STEM into your curriculum is a powerful tool for engagement and learning. We’ll dive deep into what STEM looks like at each level of education and how you can make it a vibrant part of your teaching practice. We’ll also explore two additional segments that will broaden your understanding of STEM’s impact, and later, I’ll answer a parent’s question about supporting STEM learning at home. Let’s start with the youngest learners, where the foundations of curiosity and discovery are laid. Elementary school is the perfect place to introduce STEM because it capitalizes on children’s natural curiosity about the world around them. At this stage, STEM isn’t about complex theories or advanced calculations—it’s about exploration, hands-on activities, and fostering a sense of wonder. Imagine walking into an elementary classroom where students are huddled together around a small pile of dirt, digging through it to find worms. They’re not just playing—they’re scientists conducting experiments, learning about ecosystems and the vital role these creatures play in our world. This is STEM in action. The key to integrating STEM at the elementary level is to make it as interactive and engaging as possible. Think about using everyday materials to explore basic scientific principles. A simple project might involve students building structures with marshmallows and toothpicks, then testing the strength of their creations during a simulated earthquake. Through this, they learn about engineering, the properties of materials, and the concept of stability—all without even realizing they’re diving into complex ideas. Technology plays a role here too, but in a way that’s accessible and fun. For instance, using apps that allow students to program simple robots or creating digital art using basic coding skills can introduce them to the fundamentals of technology in a playful way. But STEM in elementary isn’t just about individual projects—it’s about cultivating a classroom culture where asking questions, experimenting, and learning from mistakes are celebrated. By creating an environment where students feel safe to explore and even fail, you set the stage for deeper learning and a lifelong love of discovery. As students transition into middle school, their cognitive abilities and interests evolve, and so does the way we approach STEM education. Middle school is a pivotal time for students. They’re beginning to develop more abstract thinking skills and are ready to tackle more complex projects. Here, STEM education takes on a new level of integration, blending content areas and encouraging students to see the connections between different disciplines. Consider a middle school science class where students are tasked with designing their own water filtration system. This project doesn’t just teach them about the science of water purification; it also incorporates elements of engineering design, mathematics for measurements and calculations, and even technology if they’re using software to model their designs. By working on a project like this, students aren’t just learning facts—they’re learning how to apply knowledge in real-world situations. Technology in middle school STEM education can take many forms. Students might use computer simulations to model chemical reactions or work with 3D printers to create prototypes of their designs. These tools allow students to experiment in ways that were previously impossible, giving them a tangible understanding of abstract concepts. Middle school is also an ideal time to introduce more collaborative STEM projects. Group work not only helps students learn how to work together but also mirrors the collaborative nature of real-world STEM careers. For example, students might work in teams to build a bridge out of limited materials, learning about both physics and teamwork in the process. As students move into high school, STEM education shifts gears once again, becoming more specialized and preparing them for college and careers. High school is where STEM education truly comes into its own, offering students the opportunity to delve deeper into the subjects that interest them most and preparing them for their future academic and career paths. At this stage, STEM education is less about introducing concepts and more about mastery and application. In high school, STEM can take many forms. Advanced courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics challenge students to think critically and solve complex problems. But STEM education isn’t confined to traditional science and math classes. High schools increasingly offer specialized courses in fields like robotics, computer science, environmental science, and engineering, allowing students to explore potential career paths while still in school. Project-based learning is particularly powerful at this level. Consider a class where students are tasked with designing a sustainable building. They must consider factors such as energy efficiency, materials, and environmental impact. This project doesn’t just teach them about architecture and engineering—it also involves physics, environmental science, and even economics. Through projects like this, students see how STEM disciplines intersect and are applied in the real world. High school is also a time when students can begin to participate in internships, research projects, and other hands-on experiences that give them a taste of what STEM careers might be like. Schools can partner with local businesses, universities, or research institutions to provide these opportunities, helping students build a bridge from the classroom to the workplace. In this segment lets look at The Role of Creativity in STEM. In our journey through STEM education, it’s easy to focus on the logical, the structured, and the precise. After all, when we think of science, technology, engineering, and math, our minds often jump to formulas, codes, and hard facts. But there’s a critical element in STEM that often gets overlooked, and that’s creativity. Creativity is the spark that fuels innovation. It’s the ability to look at a problem from a different angle, to imagine solutions that don’t yet exist, and to bring abstract ideas to life. Without creativity, STEM would be a much narrower field, limited to what’s already known rather than what could be. In the classroom, fostering creativity within STEM education is essential for developing students who can think critically and solve complex problems. But how do we do this? Let’s explore. One of the most effective ways to integrate creativity into STEM is through open-ended projects. Instead of giving students a set of instructions to follow, why not give them a challenge and let them come up with their own solutions? For example, you might ask students to design a machine that can move a marble from one end of the classroom to the other. There’s no single right answer to this challenge, and that’s the point. Students are encouraged to brainstorm, experiment, and iterate—skills that are at the heart of both creativity and engineering. Design thinking is a process that encourages creative problem-solving by putting the user at the center of the process. It involves empathy, ideation, prototyping, and testing. In a STEM classroom, you could use design thinking to help students tackle real-world problems. Perhaps they could design a product that helps people with disabilities or come up with a new way to reduce waste in the school cafeteria. By focusing on the needs of others, students are challenged to think creatively about how to use STEM to make a difference. Another way to foster creativity is by breaking down the silos between science, technology, engineering, and math. Instead of teaching these subjects in isolation, look for opportunities to integrate them. A project that combines coding(technology), geometry(math), and physics can help students see the connections between different fields and how creative thinking is essential to bridging those gaps. For instance, designing a video game involves coding, but it also requires an understanding of physics to simulate realistic movement and geometry to create the visual elements. Creativity often involves risk-taking and the possibility of failure. In STEM, where students might be used to getting things right or wrong, it’s important to create a classroom culture that embraces failure as part of the learning process. Encourage students to see their failed experiments or unsuccessful prototypes not as dead ends but as valuable steps toward finding a solution. This mindset not only fosters resilience but also encourages students to take creative risks, which can lead to innovative breakthroughs. Finally, consider integrating the arts into your STEM curriculum, transforming STEM into STEAM. The arts introduce elements of design, aesthetics, and human expression into STEM projects, making them more holistic and accessible to all students. For example, a project that involves building a robot can include an artistic component where students design the robot’s appearance, making it not only functional but also visually appealing. This integration highlights that creativity isn’t just a nice-to-have in STEM; it’s a critical component that can lead to more engaging and innovative projects. Creativity is the key to unlocking the full potential of STEM education. By fostering a classroom environment where creative thinking is encouraged, where failure is seen as a step toward success, and where the arts and sciences intersect, we prepare our students not just to solve today’s problems but to imagine and create tomorrow’s solutions. Now we will look at Equity in STEM Education Without Lowering Standards. As we continue to explore the world of STEM education, it's essential to address one of the most pressing issues: equity. Ensuring that all students have access to high-quality STEM education is not just a matter of fairness; it’s a matter of necessity. The diverse perspectives and talents of all students are needed to drive innovation and solve the complex challenges of our world. But how do we achieve equity in STEM education without lowering standards? Let’s dive into this important conversation. First, let’s clarify what we mean by equity. Equity is not the same as equality. While equality means giving every student the same resources, equity means providing each student with the resources they need to succeed. This distinction is critical because not all students start from the same place. Some may have access to more resources, support, or prior knowledge, while others may face barriers such as socioeconomic challenges, language differences, or underrepresentation in STEM fields. Equity in STEM education involves recognizing these differences and ensuring that every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential. It’s about removing barriers, not lowering the bar. The goal is to maintain high standards while providing the necessary support for all students to meet those standards. One of the key strategies for achieving equity in STEM without lowering standards is to provide all students with access to rigorous STEM opportunities. This means ensuring that advanced courses, such as Advanced Placement STEM classes, are available to all students, not just those who traditionally excel in these subjects. To do this, schools can implement policies that actively encourage underrepresented students to enroll in advanced STEM courses. This might involve outreach programs that inform students and their families about the benefits of STEM education, or mentorship programs where students are paired with STEM professionals who can provide guidance and support. Another important aspect is early exposure to STEM. By introducing students to STEM concepts in elementary school and providing continuous opportunities to engage with STEM throughout their education, we help build the foundation they need to succeed in more advanced courses later on. While maintaining high standards is essential, it’s also important to recognize that some students may need additional support to meet those standards. This support can take many forms, from tutoring and after-school programs to differentiated instruction in the classroom. For instance, teachers can provide scaffolding in their lessons, breaking down complex concepts into more manageable parts while still challenging students to reach the same high expectations. Scaffolding doesn’t mean making the work easier; it means providing the steps and tools students need to succeed. Culturally responsive teaching is another powerful approach. This involves incorporating students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences into STEM instruction, making the material more relevant and accessible. When students see themselves reflected in the curriculum, they are more likely to engage and succeed. Achieving equity in STEM also involves challenging the stereotypes that can discourage students from pursuing these fields. It’s essential to create a classroom environment where all students feel that they belong in STEM, regardless of gender, race, or background. Teachers can play a significant role by actively encouraging all students to participate in STEM activities, asking them to lead experiments, contribute to discussions, and take on challenging projects. Highlighting diverse role models in STEM fields can also inspire students and show them that success in STEM is attainable for everyone. Schools don’t have to do this work alone. Partnerships with community organizations, local businesses, and higher education institutions can provide additional resources and support. For example, partnerships with universities can offer students opportunities to participate in research projects or attend STEM camps, while local businesses can provide internships or job shadowing experiences. These partnerships can also help bring STEM professionals into the classroom, providing students with role models who reflect the diversity of their community and who can share real-world experiences of working in STEM fields. Finally, maintaining high standards in STEM education means holding all students to those standards and measuring success through rigorous assessments. However, it’s important to ensure that assessments are fair and reflect the diverse ways in which students can demonstrate their understanding. Rather than relying solely on traditional tests, consider using a variety of assessment methods, such as projects, presentations, and portfolios, which can provide a more comprehensive view of a student’s abilities and progress. Regularly review data on student performance, disaggregated by race, gender, and socioeconomic status, to identify gaps and areas for improvement. Use this data to inform your teaching practices and ensure that all students are being challenged and supported to meet high expectations. Equity in STEM education is about opening doors, not lowering them. By providing targeted support, challenging stereotypes, and ensuring that all students have access to rigorous STEM opportunities, we can help every student reach their full potential. It’s not about making things easier; it’s about making sure that every student has the chance to rise to the challenge. In our Bonus Segment we answer the Parent Question"How can I support my child’s interest in STEM at home?" Many parents are eager to support their children’s interest in STEM but may not know where to start. This segment provides practical tips for fostering a STEM-friendly environment at home. Encourage curiosity by engaging in science experiments, exploring nature, or simply asking questions about how things work. Utilize online resources, educational apps, and DIY projects that align with your child’s interests. Remember, you don’t need to be a STEM expert yourself—just being supportive and providing opportunities for exploration can make a huge difference. STEM education is more than just a trend—it’s a vital part of preparing students for the future. Whether you’re teaching in an elementary school, middle school, or high school, integrating STEM into your curriculum opens up a world of possibilities for your students. By encouraging curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking, you’re not just teaching them about science, technology, engineering, and math—you’re teaching them how to think, solve problems, and innovate. Thank you for joining us today on the Teaching with Valor Podcast. For more resources on STEM education and to learn more about the strategies we discussed today, check out the links in our episode description. Keep fostering a love for learning, and as always, keep teaching with valor.

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