Teaching with Valor Podcast: A Veteran Teachers Perspective

Effective Use of Technology Tools in Education

September 16, 2024 Don Fessenden Season 1 Episode 60

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Welcome back to another episode of the Teaching with Valor Podcast. I'm your host, Don Fessenden, and today we’re diving into a topic that has become increasingly vital in the modern classroom: the effective use of technology tools. 

As educators, we know that technology has transformed how we teach and how our students learn. But with so many tools, apps, and platforms available, it can feel overwhelming to figure out what works best.

How to implement them effectively, and, most importantly, how to use them in a way that truly enhances learning rather than just adding another layer of complexity.

Show Notes

For more information on this topic check out the following resources:

  • Richardson, Will – "Why School? How Education Must Change When Learning and Information Are Everywhere": A thought-provoking read on the role of technology in modern education.
  • Edutopia – Technology Integration in the Classroom: www.edutopia.org - Articles and resources on best practices for using technology in education.
  • International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards: www.iste.org - Guidelines and resources for effective technology integration.
  • Common Sense Education – Digital Citizenship and Safety: www.commonsense.org/education - Resources for teaching responsible and safe technology use.
  • Teaching Channel – Technology Tools and Strategies: www.teachingchannel.org - Videos and articles on using technology to enhance learning.

Stay tuned for more episodes, and remember, every student is unique, and every classroom can be a place where all students succeed. Keep teaching with valor!


Welcome back to another episode of the Teaching with Valor Podcast. I'm your host, Don Fessenden, and today we’re diving into a topic that has become increasingly vital in the modern classroom: the effective use of technology tools. As educators, we know that technology has transformed how we teach and how our students learn. But with so many tools, apps, and platforms available, it can feel overwhelming to figure out what works best, how to implement them effectively, and, most importantly, how to use them in a way that truly enhances learning rather than just adding another layer of complexity. Today, we will explore strategies for leveraging technology to improve your teaching practice at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. We’ll talk about what makes certain tools effective, share practical ideas for integrating technology into your lessons, and discuss how to navigate the common challenges teachers face when using tech in the classroom. And for our parent listeners, we have a special bonus segment where we’ll answer a common question about how technology impacts their child’s learning experience. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let’s get started. In our first segment we will look at Understanding the Role of Technology in Education. Before diving into specific tools, let's talk about the role of technology in education. Technology should not be used just for the sake of using it; rather, it should serve as a means to enhance learning, engage students, and make educational experiences more meaningful. The goal is to integrate technology in a way that aligns with your teaching objectives and helps your students achieve their learning goals. Technology can be a game-changer in the classroom, but it’s important to remember that it’s not a replacement for effective teaching. Instead, think of it as a powerful tool in your teaching toolbox. When used thoughtfully, technology can provide diverse ways to present content, offer opportunities for interactive and personalized learning, and create a more dynamic and inclusive classroom environment. It can help bring abstract concepts to life through visualizations, simulations, and interactive activities. For example, instead of merely lecturing about the solar system, a teacher could use virtual reality to take students on a journey through space, allowing them to explore planets up close. Technology also offers ways to differentiate instruction, catering to various learning styles and needs. Digital tools can provide students with choices in how they learn and demonstrate their understanding. For instance, some students may prefer creating a video presentation instead of writing a traditional essay, while others may benefit from interactive quizzes that provide instant feedback. Let’s not forget the collaborative power of technology. Tools like Google Workspace or Microsoft Teams enable students to work together on projects in real time, regardless of where they are. This is especially valuable in today’s world, where the ability to collaborate digitally is an essential skill. Now that we’ve established the purpose and potential of technology in education, let’s look at how to implement it effectively in classrooms across different educational levels. When it comes to implementing technology tools, one size does not fit all. The key is to consider the unique needs of your students at each educational level and choose tools that are age-appropriate, engaging, and aligned with your instructional goals. For elementary school teachers, technology can be used to make learning more interactive and fun. Young learners are naturally curious and love to explore, so choose tools that allow them to engage with content in a hands-on way. Apps like Seesaw, for example, enable students to create digital portfolios where they can showcase their work, reflect on their learning, and receive feedback from their teachers and peers. This not only builds digital literacy skills but also encourages self-assessment and reflection. Another great tool for younger students is Epic!, an online library that offers thousands of books, audiobooks, and learning videos that cater to different reading levels and interests. Using technology to access diverse reading materials can foster a love of reading and support literacy development. For middle school teachers, technology can play a vital role in helping students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Tools like Padlet or Jamboard are excellent for brainstorming sessions, collaborative projects, and sharing ideas in real-time. They provide a platform for students to visually organize their thoughts, collaborate with classmates, and deliver their findings in creative ways. For math and science teachers, Desmos and PhET Interactive Simulations offer engaging ways to visualize complex concepts, like graphing equations or understanding the principles of physics. By integrating these tools into lessons, teachers can make abstract concepts more concrete and accessible to students. High school teachers can use technology to prepare students for college and careers by providing opportunities for advanced learning and real-world applications. Tools like Google Scholar or JSTOR can help students conduct independent research and engage with academic sources, building skills that are essential for higher education. Platforms like Flipgrid allow students to create video responses to discussion prompts, which can be a great way to develop communication skills and encourage thoughtful reflection. For teachers looking to integrate project-based learning, tools like Trello or Asana can help students manage tasks, set deadlines, and collaborate effectively with peers. No matter the grade level, it is important to introduce technology gradually and with a clear purpose. Start with a tool that supports a specific learning goal, and give students time to explore and get comfortable with it. Be sure to provide guidance on digital citizenship and responsible use of technology. Establish clear expectations for how technology will be used in your classroom, and model those expectations consistently. Another crucial strategy is to gather feedback from your students. Ask them what they find helpful or challenging about a particular tool. This will not only help you refine your approach but also give students a sense of ownership over their learning. Technology should not feel like a top-down mandate; instead, it should be a collaborative experience where students and teachers learn together. Now that we've covered some strategies for implementing technology tools effectively, let’s address a common question from parents about the role of technology in their child’s education. Many parents ask,"How does technology really impact my child’s learning?" It’s a fair question because, in today’s digital age, parents often hear mixed messages about the benefits and potential downsides of technology in education. When used effectively, technology can have a profoundly positive impact on your child’s learning experience. First and foremost, it can make learning more engaging and interactive. Instead of passively receiving information, students actively participate in their learning through digital tools, which can enhance their understanding and retention of material. For example, interactive simulations in science or math can help students visualize concepts in ways that are not possible with traditional methods. Technology also provides opportunities for personalized learning. Digital tools can be tailored to meet the individual needs of each student, providing additional support where needed or challenging students who are ready to move ahead. For example, adaptive learning platforms like Khan Academy offer personalized lessons that adjust in difficulty based on a student’s progress, ensuring that each child learns at their own pace. However, it's important for parents to understand that not all technology use is created equal. The key is in how technology is integrated into the classroom. When teachers use technology thoughtfully, with a clear purpose and alignment with learning goals, it enhances education. When it’s used without intention, it can become a distraction. That's why it’s essential for teachers to select tools that genuinely support learning and to guide students on how to use technology responsibly. For parents, it’s helpful to stay engaged and ask your child’s teacher about the role of technology in the classroom. Ask what tools are being used, how they support learning, and how you can reinforce those skills at home. This open dialogue helps ensure that technology remains a positive force in your child's education. Lets look at your take aways from todays episode. The effective use of technology tools in the classroom offer incredible potential for enriching learning experiences, enhancing engagement, and supporting students' diverse needs. By choosing the right tools, aligning them with instructional goals, and using them thoughtfully, teachers can harness the power of technology to make a real impact in their classrooms. Whether you teach young learners just beginning to navigate the digital world, middle schoolers developing critical thinking skills, or high school students preparing for the future, technology can be a valuable ally in your teaching practice. Thank you for joining us on this episode of the Teaching with Valor Podcast. For more resources on how to use technology effectively in your classroom, check out the links in our episode description. Keep exploring, keep innovating, and as always, keep teaching with valor.

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